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2 Welcoming words

A word from the chairwoman of the board

On behalf of all the members of the board of directors, the organizing committee, I would like to welcome you to the 53rd Tour de l’Abitibi Glencore. We are very proud of our cycling event, the only one in its category in North America! Its longevity is due to the passion, enthusiasm and unconditional commitment of the Témiscabitibians!

For its 53rd edition, the Tour will welcome young cyclists from all over the world. This year, we will be attending the longest Tour de l’Abitibi Glencore, with a total of 686.2 km of racing. As in previous years, team fans can watch the races live on our website at

I would like to acknowledge the indispensable work of our many volunteers and our permanent team, who worked throughout the year to offer you a most memorable event during the week of the Tour in Amos. In addition, I would like to make a special mention to our faithful and generous partners, without whom the event would not take place, not to mention our current partner, Glencore.

On behalf of myself and all those involved in the success of this sporting event, I would like to thank the cyclists and their companions for travelling to Abitibi-Timiskaming. To all of you, I wish you the best of luck, and that the visit to our beautiful region will forever be remembered.

Mélanie Rocher
Chairwoman of the board
Tour Cycliste de l’Abitibi inc.

A word from our title partner

Glencore is thrilled to announce its partnership with the Tour de l’Abitibi for the next three years. This event holds deep historical significance in the region, much like Glencore does in Canada.

Through this partnership, Glencore aims to support the international prominence of the Tour de l’Abitibi. It is a nod to the global role our employees play in providing the metals needed for a successful energy transition.

Glencore is proud of this new partnership, which is built upon values cherished by the company.

The health and safety of our employees are top priorities for Glencore. We believe that maintaining healthy lifestyles through engaging in sports activities contributes to the promotion of these values.

Glencore also promotes diversity and inclusion within its teams. Our partnership with the Tour de l’Abitibi, particularly in supporting the development of a women’s category in the coming years, aligns with this commitment.

Lastly, we would like to acknowledge the contributions of volunteers, coaches, officials, organizers, and, of course, the riders, without whom this event would not be possible.

To everyone involved, thank you for your dedication!

Alexis Segal
Director of Government Relations and Public Affairs

A word from Amos mayor

It is with great pride that the City of Amos is hosting, in 2023, one of the most prestigious junior cycling events in the world, the Tour de l’Abitibi.

Founding city of such a major event, Amos considers itself a full member of the Tour de l’Abitibi team, year after year. We believed in it from the very beginning, and we still believe in it.

The members of the municipal council would like to sincerely thank you for your presence and take this opportunity to wish the best of luck to all the members of this beautiful organization who also work for the overcoming of our sports youth.

Enjoy your stay in Amos.

Sébastien D’Astous
Amos mayor

A word from the Minister

The organizers promise an exciting 53rd edition

Festivals and events are a must-see showcase for our tourism industry. That is why your government is proud to partner with the Tour de l’Abitibi, which showcases the work and talent of our emerging cyclists and makes Quebec a sports destination of choice.

For seven days, nearly twenty teams from all over the world will compete for talents to the delight of cycling lovers. This event is one of the largest cycling competitions in North America and has helped shape the next generation for 53 years. Congratulations to the organizers for their perseverance! With this international competition, the only one in North America on the program of the International Cycling Union Junior Nations Cup, it is the talent of our event industry that is highlighted.

We invite you to come in large numbers with family or friends to cheer on your favourite athletes and be inspired by the exceptional performances you will witness. Take advantage of your stay in the area to visit the tourist attractions of Abitibi-Témiscamingue. We also wish a good race to all the cyclists who will compete and who will surpass themselves to achieve their dream!

Isabelle Charest
Minister Responsible for Sport, Recreation and the Outdoors

Caroline Proulx
Minister of Tourism
Minister responsible for the Lanaudière region

A word from the regional Member of the National Assembly

It is a privilege to receive the 53rd edition of the Tour de l’Abitibi Glencore in Amos. This major event is the only one of the 9 competitions on the UCI Junior Nations Cup circuit to be presented in America. The Tour de l’Abitibi Glencore is important to our region. It is an opportunity to showcase the talents of young cyclists. I am convinced that some of them will aspire to great futures in the world of cycling.

I would like to thank the organizers and volunteers of the Tour de l’Abitibi Glencore for their involvement. Thanks to this involvement, the Tour de l’Abitibi Glencore allows Abitibi-Timiskaming to shine on the international cycling scene.

I wish our young athletes good luck and hope that they will have good memories of Amos and our region.

Suzanne Blais
Member of the National Assembly for Abitibi-Ouest