Liens vers webdiffusion RDS

5 Organizing committee

Organizing committee members

Chairwoman of the board Mélanie Rocher (819) 527-7623
Coordonator - Tour Abitibi Myriam Audet (819) 290-3612
Technical director Bruno Gauthier (819) 290-8834
Assistant technical director Christine Beausoleil
Pierrick Naud
(819) 355-3202
(514) 647-6659
Project manager - Tour de l’Abitibi Amélie Gélinas (819) 727-6333
Project manager - Tour de la Relève Zachary Desrosiers (819) 550-3634
Reception and credentials Léopoldine Gagnon (819) 444-6975
Cafeteria Pierre Galarneau
France Galarneau
(819) 727-8510
(819) 732-4038
Race Headquarters Guy Bergeron (819) 732-0094
Communications / Press Josyane Bolduc
Sophie-Kristine Richard
(819) 444-8887
(418) 690-6564
Communications Alica Fontaine-Fortin (819) 355-0575
Lodging Team Club cycliste Subway (819) 444-9746
Medical Mélanie Rocher (819) 527-7623
Motos Yves Aubé (819) 856-6040
Protocol Mélanie Trudel
Julie Paré
(819) 444-6221
(819) 734-7105
VIP Room Sophie-Kristine Richard (418) 690-6564
Security Philippe Vallière
Michaël Bouchard
(819) 443-2386
(819) 443-1136
Transportation Bobby Noury (819) 856-6821
Facilities and logistics Marco Prévost (819) 727-0241
City of Amos Representative Ghislain Doyon (819) 442-3505
Environmentally friendly Isabelle Dufresne (819) 732-8543
Tour de la Relève Pascal Sayeur
David Bernard
(819) 444-7760
(819) 734-7897
Board representative Suzanne Fortin (819) 856-1803

Support team

Radio-Tour David Bernard
Moto-Info Clara Barbès
Time-Board Cloé Paradis
Neutral Assistance Marc Dufour
Signs and markings Maurice Normand
Chantal Gélinas
Speaker Louis Bertrand
Award Ceremony’s speaker Josyane Bolduc
Hall of Fame Christine Meunier
Ambulance Abitémis division de Dessercom
Radios Michel Néron
Dietitian Roxanne Pépin, Dt.P.
News releases and press Sophie-Kristine Richard
Photographers Dominic Lafleur
Justine Boucher


President of the Commissaires Panel Thierry Diederen
Commissaires Louise Lalonde
Michel Bourgault
Hélène Soulard
Valérie Trottier
Nancy Daigle
Simon Bouchard
Results and photofinish Sylvain Richard
Richard Sports Services